Sunday, June 1, 2014

Well at least the chicken was good

Hello fellow readers! Sorry that we've been on yet another hiatus, our longest one yet. We've moved to opposite ends of the train line and it is now very inconvenient to cook together after work. We've gone back to trying out restaurants, we really liked Tia's on the harborside check it out!

Anyways we're back, enjoying Sunday Funday. We will try to cook more regularly on Sundays coming up. Today we made mojitos and chicken enchiladas.

We started with the mojitos, clearly the most important part. We used a shot of silver rum, ice, mint leaves, seltzer (any flavor), today we tried black cherry, lime juice and sugar to taste. It was crisp and refreshing.

Then we got to cooking. We found today's recipe on Per usual we took our own spin.

4 chicken breast halves -- shredded
Skim Monterey Jack Cheese - 6 oz
sliced avocado - 1 half
8 corn tortillas
1 jar of Trader Joe's verde salsa

We started by grilling the chicken on a George foreman. Meanwhile we grated the cheese and warmed the tortillas in the oven. Next we diced the chicken in small pieces. We stuffed each tortilla with chicken and cheese, rolled it, and placed it in a casserole dish. We poured the jar of salsa on the top and baked for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. We topped the enchiladas with the remaining grated cheese and baked an additional 5 minutes. The enchiladas were served with diced avocado on top.

The dish was filling and somewhat light but overall the flavor was both bland and salty, which we attribute to the green salsa. If we were to do it all over again we would use flour tortillas instead of corn, as they were too crumbly. Both of us are not fans of corn tortillas but thought we'd give them another try.

Happy Sunday, catch ya next time!

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